Business Continuity & Outsourcing
Global Equities Brings Human Dimension to BCP
PARIS-Going beyond what is required by French regulator Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), French brokerage Global Equities is in the midst of deploying a new business continuity protocol to address the needs of its employees in case of an emergency.
Cloudy concept, clear gains
In an industry beset by acronyms, ‘cloud computing’ has become the latest buzzword and it is yet to be fully understood, let alone implemented, across the buy side. The term means different things to different firms, but it varies subtly to the ASP and…
Firms: Business as Usual as Snow Snarls U.K.
LONDON-Despite the disruption caused by the heaviest snowfall the southeast of the U.K. has seen in 18 years on Monday, Feb. 2, investment banks officials claim they were able to operate and have not suffered any major problems.
Experts: Firms to Increase Offshoring in 2009
LONDON-Financial firms will look more for low-cost IT centers in 2009 as the demand for services that help them to reduce their IT operating costs increases, according to an industry observer.
Misappropriated Spending Hampers BCP
NEW YORK-The money currently being spent on business continuity planning (BCP) and disaster recovery may be completely ineffective, according to an industry specialist.
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Wall Street Aces 'Delayed Opening' Test
NEW YORK-In the event of a local or small-scale disaster resulting in a delayed opening, Wall Street firms would be able to respond quickly, according to the results of a recent post-business continuity test survey. Nearly two-thirds of those who…
U.S. Markets Execute BCP Drill
NEW YORK-To ensure preparedness for a small-scale or a local disastrous event, members of the U.S. securities industry participated in a business continuity test on Saturday, June 7.
Savvis to Host Bats MTF
LONDON-Europe's most recently announced multilateral trading facility (MTF), Bats Trading (Europe), announced that is has inked a deal with datacenter provider Savvis to host the MTF's production systems in Savvis' Docklands datacenter, DWT has learned.
Panel: BCP Technology Not Enough
LONDON-Those tasked with creating a firm's business continuity strategy should avoid being blinded by technology and never forget the human element, according to members of the financial services industry.
CLSA to Outsource Datacenters to BT
HONG KONG-Broker-dealer Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA) has contracted BT to manage its global datacenter, according to a vendor spokesperson.
Industry Unfazed by BlackBerry Outage
WATERLOO, ONTARIO-For the second time in 10 months, BlackBerry users experienced a partial service outage as Internet service was disrupted during the afternoon of Feb. 11.
Pandemic Exercise Yields Middling Results
NEW YORK-The majority of U.S. financial services industry members could do more to prepare for an influenza pandemic, according to the after-action report on a three-week pandemic preparedness exercise, which was sponsored by industry participants and…
Wall Street Passes Pandemic Test
NEW YORK—The U.S. securities industry’s emergency preparedness has paid off, according to preliminary results of a three-week influenza pandemic test sponsored jointly by U.S. regulators and financial firms.
London Banks Take Tube Strike in Stride
LONDON—Investment banks in the City of London and Canary Wharf were largely unaffected by a transit strike in London last week, as several banks instructed employees to work remotely if travel to their offices was too difficult.
City of London Prepared for Potential Deluge
LONDON—As the U.K. experiences its worst flooding in 60 years, financial firms in the City of London and Canary Wharf aren't in harm's way, but they say they are prepared for the possibility of a flood.
The Changing Face of Outsourcing
The middle way
Tony Swei of Tradar looks at the benefits and potential pitfalls for hedge funds that have decided to outsourcing certain middle-office functions including accounting
Exchanges Grapple with Outsourcing
ABN Amro Cuts 500 IT, Risk Jobs
There's No Place Like Home
That technology and infrastructure outsourcing has staked permanent ground on the buy side is no longer disputable. Depending on particular managers' circumstances, the business model proves either essential to keep operations viable or the best option…
Managing Data Management
ING, ABN Amro Outsource More Staff