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Riding the Tsunami
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Counterparty Risk - Reducing Counterparty Risk
The recent market turmoil has highlighted the need for improved counterparty data management, making counterparty risk a number one priority for firms. Inside Reference Data gathered leading industry professionals to discuss the importance of effective…
Baptism of fire
Counterparty risk has historically been an issue mostly for sell-side institutions to address, but the collapse of Lehman Brothers laid that notion to rest. Now, investment managers have had to get up to speed on what risks their counterparty exposures…
Saxo CEO: Data Is Both Cause of And Cure for Economic Crisis
Financial firms must focus on improving data quality process automation to navigate their way out of the current financial crisis, while regulators and competitive forces will also dictate change by contributing to further requirements for increased…
Latency Still a Priority, But Not 'Holy Grail'
At the cutting edge of market data, firms are still investing in the latency arms race by adopting the latest technologies and strategies for reducing latency, though some participants are beginning to question whether they can justify the investment…
Building the Better Algorithm
Seldom is optimizing a trading algorithm a matter of simply writing a tighter line of code or turning one screw: It usually involves a more holistic approach. DWT sits down with John Bates, founder and managing director of Progress Apama, to discuss how…
CME Ramps Up Exchange Integration
U.S. exchanges are getting off the consolidation bandwagon and the real work of integrating systems and realizing synergies has begun. It is vital, however, that execution venues not lose sight of the big picture and remain competitive in a tough market…
Fund managers gear up down south
The South African investment management industry is small compared with those of the US East Coast and Western Europe. But as Victor Anderson reports, a small industry does not necessarily imply an unsophisticated one.
When Counterparties Fail
Special Report
The Obvious Choice
Open Platform
Gaining Ground
Asia Report
Algo banks on the buy side
One name, arguably now more so than any other, is synonymous with risk management technology: Algorithmics. In the past, however, Algo's offerings enjoyed strong sell-side traction but only relatively modest buy-side up-take due to a blend of heady price…
Long-distance infrastructure
For New York-based global hedge fund and investment firm Marathon Asset Management, best-of-breed and off-the-shelf became mutually exclusive concepts early in its development. After identifying a number of crucial advantages in developing proprietary…
Asian buy-side firms move towards more advanced trading technologies
With assets under management topping $8 trillion as of 2007, the Asian and Australian traditional asset management and hedge fund industries present technology providers with major expansion opportunities, but the drive to increase adoption of electronic…
Registration redux
For months now, hedge fund industry participants have anticipated greater regulatoryinvolvement by the US government. But while no concrete regulatory requirement yet exists for hedge funds, proposed rules pushing for hedge fund registration under the…
Miller's crossing
Paul Miller recently left specialist buy-side consultancy Morse, although he is still participating in the consulting game - but this time for himself. Victor Anderson speaks to him about technology rationalisation across the buy side, the need for tight…
Pan-European Data: Consolidated Tape, or Just Red Tape?
The fragmentation of European equity trading and trade reporting has prompted suggestions of a deterioration in data quality, and even calls for further regulation. But not everyone believes that regulation is the answer. Inside Market Data spoke to…
Raising The Ruble
India’s Enron