Asset control
Decoding Enterprise Data Management
With a number of new software vendors tagging on to the enterprise data management (EDM) craze, the vendor selection process can seem daunting for consumers trying to get an overview of product offerings. Faye Kilburn reports
Succeeding with Data Integration
How to get on the bus
Asset Control Promotes Wolf
Asset Control has promoted Andrew Wolf to sales director, Americas
APFIC 2010: Communication Key to EDM Programs
Data managers need to focus on communication techniques, ensuring the business knows how improved processes and systems will benefit the organization, according to panelists at the Asia Pacific Financial Information Conference in Hong Kong.
Ref Data Centralization Pays Off for Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse investment bank is working on a multi-year enterprise data management program, and will be managing instrument data, client data, corporate actions data and standing settlement instructions on the same platform
Price Transparency
The Drive for Transparency
Evaluated Prices WebSeminar
Growing pressure on evaluated pricing teams to deliver increased transparency to clients has resulted in firms re-assessing strategies to improve efficiency and accuracy
Data Management Software Providers Explore New Deployment Options
Due to clients' changing demands, data management software providers are looking into new deployment strategies for their product lines
Cloud Computing for Data Management
Data management software vendors are looking at how to create flexible and scalable platforms fit for the future – a future that may be up in the clouds. Tine Thoresen explores how newer types of technologies can be utilized in the reference data…
Panel: Firms Face Increased Complexity When Measuring Data Quality
Firms have seen a need to implement more complex rules to validate the accuracy of reference data in the wake of the financial crisis
Asset Control Extends Data Model to Reflect Entity Information
Asset Control has completed the first phase of its entity information project