Thomson Reuters
What Do You Know and When Do You Know It?
Recent IRD features focus on the challenges of collecting and accessing data in timely fashion
Shedding Light on Dark Data
Making connections among sources yields predictive information
CoreOne Creates RegOne Analytics, Reporting Division with TAG, TTA Acquisitions
New York-based data management technology provider CoreOne Technologies has acquired transaction cost analysis tools provider Transaction Auditing Group for an undisclosed sum to create a new market structure analytics and reporting division, dubbed…
TPI Grows Asia, MidEast Teams for Regional Sales Push
New regional appointments include two hires from Thomson Reuters
Amundi Taps Thomson Reuters' Accelus for KYC
European asset manager latest among large buy sides to take Org ID
Man Group Pursues KYC Improvement With Thomson Reuters Service
Global Investment Firm Signs Onto Accelus Org ID
Man Group Taps Thomson Reuters Accelus for KYC
Service will streamline processes and enhance monitoring across geographies
Canadian Authorities Name Thomson Reuters Rates Administrator
The Canadian Bankers Association and the Investment Industry Association of Canada have appointed Thomson Reuters' Benchmark Services unit the administrator for Canada's two main interest rate benchmarks, the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (CDOR) and…
Watch Sentiments and Operating Models
Thomson Reuters' Tim Lind sees sentiment analysis and governance structures rising on firms' agendas next year
Reuters Bows UK, Asian News Apps
Thomson Reuters has released a UK edition of its news app for Apple iOS and Android wireless tablet devices and smartphones, as well as locally customized Chinese- and Japanese-language versions of the app, which provides news, market data and analysis…
2015 Forecast: Data Management Improvements Will Be Slow
Adoption of new systems, upgrades and responses to regulatory drivers factor into likely measured response
2014 Review: Vendors, Venues Diversify Services to Meet Demand
Data vendors and exchanges sought to broaden their reach and diversify their offerings through new content and partnerships in 2014, while retiring legacy products and setting new market data policies.
2014 Review: As Volumes Intensify, Data Search Tools Get Smart
According to Interactive Data’s chief information officer Alex Goor, speaking at Inside Market Data’s Asia Pacific Financial Information Conference, about 90 percent of current data levels were created within the last two years. In the financial sector,…
Waters USA Panel: Traders, Vendors Eye Convergence of Latency, Analytics
Panel says it's not just how fast you are, but what you can analyze that fast that counts
Waters USA 2014: Analytics in the Trading Landscape
Analytics technologies are evolving with the trading landscape
Pinpointing Attributes
Accuracy and timeliness are in increasing demand for both identifiers and pricing
Evaluated, Scrutinized
Risk and Regulation Put Pressure on Pricing Services
Pricing Catalysts
Marion Leslie, managing director, pricing and reference services, Thomson Reuters, shares her views on how regulations are likely to affect pricing and operations in 2015
The Big Picture Of Solvency II
The European capital adequacy reporting regulation, taking effect in about a year, will require tracking of more data, under new classifications. Financial firms, including those serving the insurance sector that is the focus of the rules, are working…
WSI Names Josling Head of Strategy, Marketing
London-based data management technology vendor Web Services Integration recently appointed Kevin Josling as head of strategy and marketing.
Thomson Reuters Bags Sproehnle for Benchmarks
Tobias Sproehnle has joined Thomson Reuters in London as global head of benchmark services to head the vendor's global fixings business, responsible for administering more than 70 global benchmark indexes, including the LBMA Silver Price and the Libor…
Opening Cross: Putting the ‘Custom’ in ‘Customer’
Talk to a market data manager at any firm, and chances are they view vendors and exchanges as money-grubbing monsters that exist purely to squeeze revenues from their hapless clients with little thought to customer service or satisfaction.
TR Expands Mobile Support for ‘Anywhere' Wealth App
Thomson Reuters has added support for new wireless platforms to its Thomson One Anywhere dynamic mobile site for its Wealth Management clients, including iPhone, Android and Blackberry Z10 smartphones.
Thomson Reuters Adds Regional Elektron PoPs, Expands Managed Services Datacenters
Vendor ups local technical presence in Africa, India, Asia, Canada and Central America