Standard & Poor's
ML Bond Index Adds Fitch Ratings
Bank of America Merrill Lynch has added credit ratings content from Fitch Ratings to its ML Bond Market index, as an additional factor in the assessment of investment-grade and speculative-grade bonds.
VWD Adds S&P Bond Ratings to Terminal
German data vendor VWD has added credit ratings on bonds from Standard and Poor’s to its Market Manager market data terminal, in response to demand from clients in continental Europe for additional information to support their investment and risk…
Max Bowie: Will Ratings Rethink Restore Credit Confidence?
Rightly or wrongly, credit rating agencies are often blamed for the financial crisis. But with new stricter rules for rating agencies now in force, Max says why not rethink the entire issue of regulating ratings, and give them the same status as any…
Bloomberg Bows Range of OTC Indexes
The data giant unveils a play for OTC index business, leveraging its existing index and analytics tools, and market penetration.
Inside Market Data Hall of Fame: Barry Raskin, 'The Builder'
Barry Raskin, President, SIX Financial Information USA
Analytics: Tools & Technologies webcast
Inside Market Data gathered leading industry experts for a webcast on September 13, 2012 to discuss how firms are employing an arsenal of tools for analyzing information
MoneyMate Hires Schwarz For North American Sales
Jason Schwarz, whose experience includes reference data sales roles at Moody's and Standard & Poor's, joins MoneyMate as senior vice president
Open Season For Instrument Codes?
Proprietary instrument codes, while now more open to outside users, may not become as standardized as the legal entity identifier - or will they? Some uncertainty is now in the mix for the LEI with a loosening of its federated administration model
S&P Adds Credit Ratings to Xpressfeed
Strapline: Pricing & Valuations
S&P Capital IQ Exec on New Xpressfeed Coverage
Rui Carvalho, managing director of enterprise solutions at S&P Capital IQ, discussed the new additions to the company's Xpressfeed platform.
Going Boldly With Enterprise Data
In Japan and other Asian markets, enterprise data management is gaining traction as firms start to reap benefits from putting it into practice. Michael Shashoua hears from industry practitioners and providers about this trend