The IMD Wrap: Déjà vu as exchange data industry weighs its options
Max highlights some of WatersTechnology’s recent reporting on data costs and capacity issues facing the options industry, and asks, haven’t we seen this before somewhere?
Cboe pushes rule change to make way for proprietary Opra alternatives
As US options data has grown in volume and cost, Cboe says changing the public feed's governing document would make way for more competition from private alternatives, including its Cboe One Options Feed, launched in 2023.
This Week: Nasdaq/FIA Tech, DTCC, Acadia, and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
Lightning strikes: Options boom threatens data overload
Concerns over creaking infrastructure in US options markets are fueling talk of measures to limit the exponential amount of data being generated.
This Week: 5-17-2024
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
Nasdaq to market new options strike listing tech to other exchanges
The exchange operator is experimenting with emerging technologies to determine which options strike prices belong in a crowded market, with hopes to sell the tech to its peers.
Nasdaq reshuffles tech divisions post-Adenza
Adenza is now fully integrated into the exchange operator’s ecosystem, bringing opportunities for new business and a fresh perspective on how fintech fits into its strategy.
Verafin launches genAI copilot for fincrime investigators
Features include document summarization and improved research tools.
This Week: Clear Street, AXA/AWS, TD Bank/Google Cloud and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
Sell-Side Technology Awards 2024: Best use of the agile methodology—Nasdaq
Product: Nasdaq Risk Platform
Sell-Side Technology Awards 2024: Best sell-side market surveillance product—Nasdaq
Product: Nasdaq Surveillance Solutions, including Nasdaq Trade Surveillance (NTS) and Nasdaq Market Surveillance (NMS)
After contentious Opra upgrades, vendors brace for a faster future
Upgrades to the datafeed widely used to gauge the current market price for options contracts went into effect in February after three separate delays, which market participants say were caused by persistent bandwidth issues at some important recipients.
Man Group’s proprietary data platform is a timesaver for quants
The investment firm’s head of data delves into its alt data strategy and use of AI tools to boost quant efficiency.
Nasdaq CEO: GenAI ‘a whole new opportunity’
Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman and other top execs outlined a range of use cases for generative AI and other emerging technologies during its Investor Day.
People Moves: Etrading Software, MarketAxess, Trumid, Nasdaq, and more
A look at the past month’s people moves in the capital markets technology and data space, including Matthijs Geneste (pictured), who will head up EU regulatory data services for Etrading Software.
Modernizing architecture can reduce long-term costs
A perfect storm of regulation and accelerated tech advancement is forcing modernization unlike anything the markets have seen before, says Nasdaq’s Gil Guillaumey.
CME moves core data to the cloud, readies new data products, analytics
The exchange group has migrated its core data to the cloud as part of its 10-year partnership with Google Cloud, and is now looking ahead to further migrations and leveraging the cloud to power new data products.
Blood, sweat, and tiers: how the SEC’s exchange rebates proposal could reshape US equities markets
The proposal to overhaul volume-based rebates for agency brokers may create significant shifts in liquidity, order routing, and competition. And industry practitioners are split on whether it’s for better or for worse.
AI expert warns of algo-based market manipulation
An artificial intelligence professor warns of machine learning ‘arms race’ for regulators against those seeking to use new technologies to manipulate financial markets.
Waters Wrap: Big Tech’s capital markets expansion continues
Anthony looks back at some of the major cloud and AI projects involving the likes of Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and/or Snowflake in 2023.
Hunting for reliable low latency, HFTs look to novel techs in 2023
WatersTechnology looks at advancements in market data latency technology and what role the cloud can play.
This Week: Danske Bank/Netdania, Tradeweb/BlackRock, TMX, and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
This Week: Nasdaq; Symphony/Google; and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
Waters Wrap: Examining ASX’s CHESS do-over
The Australian exchange was the first exchange to be all-in on DLT—and the project failed. Anthony speaks with ASX’s Tim Whiteley to discuss the lessons learned and why he thinks the second attempt will succeed.