JP Morgan
Trading Venues Aim to Unlock Value of Green Bonds
Tech providers are looking for ways to increase liquidity in climate bonds, a tiny but fast-growing corner of the fixed-income universe.
People Moves: Euronext, RJO, CloudMargin, And More
A look at some of the key people moves from this week, including Georges Lauchard, new chief operating officer at Euronext (pictured).
People Moves: Capitolis, State Street, BTON Financial and DTCC
A look at some of the key 'people moves' from this week.
Alt Data Lends a Different Light to Coronavirus Impact
Smog, traffic data—even movie rentals—help analysts track economic effects of the virus.
BondCliQ 9 Dealers Away From Operating Full-Scale SIP for Bonds
Tier-1 corporate bond dealers are still holding out from contributing their quote and pricing data to the two-year-old platform.
Ex-JP Morgan Trader Tackles Complex Computing with New Programming Language
Concurnas founder says his language will help traders work more easily with concurrent computing and offer a Python-like syntax with Java-scale performance.
Illuminate Rounds Out Baton Systems Funding with $4m Investment
This is the first investment Illuminate has made in a company offering DLT-based tech.
GLMX Looks to Sec Lending and Swaps for Electronification
The platform provider is looking at opportunities in securities lending and swaps, as it pursues expansion in Europe.
For the App Interoperability Movement, 2020 will be a Big Year
While progress was made in the desktop application interoperability space in the last year, Anthony Malakian says 2020 is likely to see some major developments that will help to push this movement forward.
Blockchain in the Capital Markets: Slow Progress in 2019
While real blockchain rollouts are still few and far between, some firms made progress in 2019. Here are 18 projects in some stage of development.
Machine Learning Takes Hold in the Capital Markets: Some Examples
WatersTechnology looks at 16 projects in the capital markets that involve machine learning to show where the industry is heading.
This Week: Fidelity Digital Asset, State Street, HSBC, Instinet, INTL FCStone, Quantopian
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
This Week: Digital Asset, BNY Mellon-SimCorp, AccessFintech & More
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news
This Week: Goldman/Finos; JP Morgan/Baton; Caixa AM; IHS Markit
Catch up on some of the past week's financial technology news.
This Week: JP Morgan/Limeglass, Trumid/Citi, Numerix, ExpandAlpha
A summary of some of the past week's financial technology news.
Banks Begin Exploring Homomorphic Encryption Use Cases (Part 2)
Josephine Gallagher explores some of the real-life applications of homomorphic encryption in development and the main roadblocks to its adoption.
SmartStream Goes to Market With Fresh Air
Sibos 2019 was a significant event for SmartStream Technologies, marking the official launch of SmartStream Air, the firm’s cloud-native, AI-enabled reconciliations platform that is set to shake up the reconciliations industry. Victor Anderson caught up…
AI in the Cloud: How the Two are Making for a Perfect Match
As more financial institutions are starting to expand their usage of AI, they are turning to the cloud to help scale up. However, there are things to consider before doing so. Wei-Shen Wong examines.
Embracing the Numbers: Analytics to Improve Trader Performance
As passive strategies and fee compression cut into active returns, buy-side firms are turning to internally generated data.
Lost in Translation: The Genesis of the Data Translator
An examination of the ‘data translator’ role and how it can help forward a firm’s data agenda.
People Moves: SSGA, GLMX, AcadiaSoft, CAIS, DriveWealth
A look at some of the key "people moves" from the week of Sept. 9 to Sept. 13.