Deutsche Borse

Lingering Questions Remain over Mifid II

Nearly one year on from the fundamental changes to Europe’s trading rulebook brought about by Mifid II, its overall impact is still unclear. Although experts talk of greater transparency in the markets, it’s had its share of issues, some of which are…

Fee Fight: Ye Olde Market Data Battleground

Market data fees charged by exchanges continue to be a bone of contention for banks, electronic trading firms and asset managers. And although recent events playing out in the US are adding fuel to the fee fire, frustration levels are rising in Europe…

Industry Fears Neutered CAT in 2018

The SEC’s Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) of US equities trade data hit a fresh snag in late 2017, missing a major deadline for reporting, blaming insufficient cyber defenses. As it marches into another crucial year, Tim Bourgaize Murray reports on the…

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