Layer Cake: The Rise of Platform-as-a-Service

Cloud is the catch-all term encompassing a number of different components. Of those, software-as-a-service is the most prominent, although platform-as-a-service now offers similar, predominantly hardware-focused benefits to the financial services…

When It Comes to Mobile, All Devices Welcome

Phones and tablets aren’t just for Angry Birds. Mobile devices have allowed financial professionals to operate on a 24/7 basis, and be less attached to the office. Jake Thomases explores whether they should be allowed to embed work functionality into…

James Rundle: Survival of the Fittest

Austerity is the key word in business and society at large. The ways in which the sell-side industry is streamlining its operations are being enabled by cutting-edge technology, though, and James believes the evolution on display is a key area of…