Wolters Kluwer Launches AML Product in Taiwan
Banks looking for solutions as regulatory deadlines loom
New Hong Kong Wealth Manager Chooses OneSumX
Newly established bank has unique AML challenge
Lean on Them: Funds Increasingly Turn to Administrators
As a result of 2008, fund admins are having to build out their data mgmt capabilities.
KYC: Know Your Choices
Know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, hardly a bank’s most value-added function, have become a popular topic among operations, compliance, and reference data professionals, with a growing consensus that KYC checks can be done cheaper and more…
For Fatca Compliance, Banks Work to Create Internal Data Hubs
At a conference hosted by Waters' sibling publication OpRisk, panelists discussed the technological pain points that surround compliance with new Fatca guidelines. The key hurdle is clear: integrating disparate systems in order to more efficiently share…
CounterpartyLink Partners with RDC to Streamline Due Diligence
CounterpartyLink will now screen its clients' counterparties against the sanctions lists and risk intelligence maintained by Regulatory DataCorp to help them simplify due diligence processes
Scotiabank Chooses Fenergo Onboarding System
The client data software provider's onboarding system uses a rules-driven process to classify Scotiabank clients affected by European Market Infrastructure Regulation, the US Dodd-Frank Act and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Oddo Chooses CounterpartyLink for KYC Data
The entity data vendor will provide the French asset management firm with data needed for its know-your-customer processes, including references to supporting documentation from primary sources
BankersAccuity Adds Russian PEPs to WorldCompliance
The new database of politically-exposed persons (PEPs) reflects recent tightening of rules requiring know-your-customer (KYC) monitoring both in Russia and internationally.
Accuity Adds Anti-Bribery, Corruption Screening to Compliance Offering
New functionality reflects more FCPA enforcement and stronger requirements in new UK Bribery Act.
Fiserv to Provide AML and Enterprise Fraud Solutions to Curacao's PSB Bank
Reflects growing size and new markets for the bank, as well as global pressure on offshore jurisdictions.