Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE)
To Merge, Or Not To Merge?
That is the question.
Japanese Bourses to Merge After Bid Success
TSE to take control over rival in Japan tie-up.
TSE Must Restore Confidence After Second Outage
On Tuesday, the Tokyo Stock Exchange had to halt trading for the second time in six months after a technology glitch hit its derivatives system. With the Knight fiasco fresh in public consciousness and a takeover bid with the Osaka exchange looming,…
Another Tech Glitch Halts Trading on the TSE
This is the second disturbance this year, as it is working to take over the Osaka Securities Exchange.
Japanese Regulator Approves TSE, OSE Exchange Merger
TSE Group and Osaka Securities Exchange will move ahead with their plan to form a massive exchange collaborative.
NRI Discusses the Asia-Pacific Buy-Side Landscape for 2012 (Q&A)
Shin Kusunoki of NRI gives his take on how buy-side firms in the Asia-Pacific region are gearing up for 2012.