Object Trading
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Australian regulators get ready for a tough line on robot trading.
What Went Wrong at Knight?
Everyone knows there was a bug in Knight Capital's trading system. The question is whether that bug was in the machine, or out of it.
Object Trading Lays Out Rules for DMA
Steve Woodyatt foreshadowed some DMA requirements from Object Trading's upcoming white paper.
Kyte Group Extends DMA Services
Object Trading has extended Kyte's co-location DMA to Chicago and Milan.
Dark Forces: Off-Exchange Trading on the Rise
A growing percentage of trade volumes is moving off-exchange every year, whether it’s through broker dark pools, internalized on a firm’s own desks, or elsewhere. Along with declining liquidity in equities markets and higher trading costs, the increasing…
Object Trading ‘Opens’ Risk API
Vendor's open API will allow clients to integrate chosen market data sources for risk calculations and controls