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Crypto: Too important to ignore

This WatersTechnology Rapid read survey report examines the crypto finance priorities of institutional investors, how far along they are on their crypto journeys, the challenges in entering and participating in this market, and what they value most when…

Fenics Market Data’s secret source

The ability of capital markets practitioners to make judicious business and investment decisions is directly determined by the quality of data underpinning those decisions. Fenics Market Data’s Rich Winter discusses the benefits of sourcing data from…

T+1: Cash and liquidity management functions impacted

The reduction of settlement times from T+2 to T+1 for many US securities, set to come into force at the end of May 2024, is likely to impact a number of business processes across the sell side. Nadeem Shamim, head of cash and liquidity management at…

Post-trade tech and the back/front office

Vijay Mayadas, president, capital markets at Broadridge, discusses the biggest challenges in the back office and how post-trade technology is transforming the relationship between the front and back office.

Why post-trade still needs more attention

After years of neglect, back-office processes are beginning to garner the attention they deserve. However, the post-trade technology landscape remains fragmented and opportunities are being left uncaptured. By Vijay Mayadas, president, capital markets at…

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