Finding the Right Building Blocks
In recent years, buy-side firms have been looking increasingly at EDM offerings, but not all have found it an easy task. Buy-side users want flexible and up-to-date data models and platforms implemented on time and on budget. Tine Thoresen asks if the…
UniCredit Continues to Evolve Central Pricing System, Adds Financial Measures
Outsourcing is in
With talks of reducing costs, limited budgets and the need for immediate economic benefits, outsourcing is taking a central role in the data world. Carla Mangado explores to what extent the financial instability has affected this space and what is yet to…
Tight Ships
Cost reduction is predicted to supersede all data management initiatives in 2009. But this does not mean a huge decrease in budgets. It simply means significant proportions of budgets will be spent reviewing existing data sources and introducing cost…
Xenomorph TimeScape Implementation Enables Flexible Data Integration at Insight Investment
LONDON - Software vendor Xenomorph's implementation of data management and pricing system TimeScape has enabled Insight Investment, the asset manager of the Halifax and Bank of Scotland group, to merge the IT systems and business processes of the three…
The Funding Challenge
Amid the financial crisis, it's all about the challenge of budgets, the funding of projects and realizing rapid economic benefits. But data management professionals remain convinced data projects will not be sidestepped. Carla Mangado explores how firms…
Time to Shine
As recession hits home, with images of snaking queues outside job centres on the evening news, there is growing pressure on job-seekers to stand out and prove return on investment. Tine Thoresen speaks to three leading data management consultants about…
Integration Time
Following the recent market turmoil, most market participants expect to see more regulation, particularly in the OTC derivatives market. The credit crunch has highlighted numerous issues with existing processing of these instruments - one of which was…
The Bottom Line in 2009
The data management world is already anticipating how the credit crunch will affect the industry in the coming year. Carla Mangado asks what the future holds for reference data teams, budgets and priorities
ECB and Finsoft Propose Reference Data Utility
The European Central Bank (ECB) and Finsoft Financial Systems have jointly proposed the introduction of a public securities reference data utility. The data model of the Centralized Securities Database (CSDB), the financial instruments database at the…