Emerging Technologies
Thomson Reuters Unveils Product Plans
Thomson Reuters will standardize on two desktop platforms-Thomson One and a new Thomson Reuters platform-but will no longer pursue new sales for its Thomson datafeeds and Thomson Financial News, and will migrate existing clients to services from the…
FISD Certification Plans Gain Industry Support
Data industry professionals have backed plans by industry association FISD to introduce a certification program for market and reference data job functions and skills, though some respondents have raised questions about the proposed certification…
Opra Predicts Slower Traffic Growth
The Options Price Reporting Authority has revised its traffic projections for January 2009 downwards, reflecting the success of quote mitigation strategies implemented by the US options exchanges to counteract the anticipated data volume increases…
Bloomberg Reorgs; Fenwick Gets New Gig
Bloomberg officials last week unveiled a new operating structure that divides the vendor into three business areas, and confirmed the creation of a new business, Bloomberg Ventures, to be headed by current Bloomberg CEO Lex Fenwick.
GFI Data Revamp Drives 'Off-Desktop' Sales
Interdealer broker GFI has reorganized its market data business by introducing a new commercial model for accessing its content, and by implementing a formal product release schedule so that new datasets will now be incorporated at regular quarterly…
Little-Gill, Manalac, Rich
Position Keeping
Nat Sey - Asian Explosion
A growing number of reference data vendors are expanding in the Asia Pacific region, where market participants expect data consumption to rocket in coming years. For the last three months, Interactive Data's Nat Sey has experienced this booming region up…
Pivot Offers Depth Views of OTC Markets
Trade messaging and collaboration infrastructure technology provider Pivot will today announce the release of Pivot Instant Markets, an application that will provide users with a depth-of-book view of over-the-counter derivatives markets and the ability…
CodeStreet Claims Client Savings
Trading firms can make substantial savings on the costs of testing trading strategies against historical market data by using the Market Data Works suite of products from New York-based software provider CodeStreet, for creating repeatable market data…
Sources: Reuters Plus Set for Retirement
Thomson Reuters is expected to discontinue the Reuters Plus data workstation for financial advisers and wealth managers, as part of the vendor's post-merger product rationalization strategy, sources tell Inside Market Data .
Banks Stall on Exchanges' App Data Fees
New exchange policies that charge banks for using market data in non-display applications and creating derived data from real-time exchange feeds are being met with resistance by some banks, some of whom are stalling the process of signing new contracts,…
That Time of Year
If it's June, it means that the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Assoc-iation's (Sifma's) Technology Management Conference and Exhibition is upon us. For three days this week, financial technologists will meet, mingle and schmooze with…