Data Management
Valuation vendor market to expand through 2012
A new Aite Group report anticipates that the pricing and valuation services industry will grow to $2.9 billion by the end of 2012, reflecting pressure from regulators and investors on buy-side managers and their custodians to improve these functions…
LatAm Taps CMA for Price Display
Miami, Fla-based broker-dealer LatAm Investments is using market data and technology from Brazilian data vendor CMA to enable it to display orders from client firms in the US to clients of clearing brokers in Mexico and Brazil.
'Twas the Night Before Christmas...
'Twas the night before Christmas, and empty was Wall Street,
Algorithmic News Gathers Pace
News providers found new ways to deliver and present their content to users during 2009, notably by broadening and reducing the latency associated with machine-readable news offerings as algorithmic and high-frequency traders increasingly seek to…
Exchanges, ATSs Battle for Share
2009 was a tough year for exchanges worldwide, especially in Europe, where continued fragmentation has resulted in lower market share for most incumbent markets at a time of subdued trading volumes compared to 2008.
Vendors Vie for Share with New Platforms
Though Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg maintained dominant market shares and unveiled major initiatives in 2009, other data providers launched their own projects to broaden their client bases as they vie with rivals for the remainder of the market.
Deutsche Börse Expands Latency Reports
Deutsche Börse has begun providing members of its Xetra cash market with the same latency statistics that it rolled out to members of its Eurex derivatives market earlier this year ( IMD , Nov. 6), to show firms their latency to and from the exchange and…
UNX Initiatives Cut Internal Data Latency
Los Angeles-based agency broker and trading technology provider UNX has reduced its internal data latency by up to 15 percent as a result of a series of projects conducted in the fourth quarter of 2009, including a move to using multicast technology for…
Euro Market Data Preps Exchange Policy Tool
UK-based consultancy Euro Market Data (EMD) is piloting a Web-based application that allows users to view and compare exchange data policies from around the world.
Nasdaq OMX to Consolidate Nordic ITCH, GCF Feeds
Nasdaq OMX will release a new version of its Nordic ITCH feed next year, adding the value-added data and analytics currently carried by the exchange's Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) to its existing Nordic ITCH feed of unnetted market data, officials tell…
Thomson Reuters Issues 2010 Price List
Thomson Reuters will increase the price of most of its products by 3 percent next year, a reduction from this year's standard price increase of 4.75 percent ( IMD , Nov. 24, 2008), reflecting tighter budgets for market data services at client firms in…
City Index Preps StreamBase Pricing System
City Index, a provider of equities, options, indexes and contracts for difference trading and financial spread betting, is rolling out a pricing engine that will enable it to expand the number of products it trades, based on technology from complex event…
New MTF Tackles Convertibles Data Quality
Vega-Chi, a new European fixed-income multilateral trading facility, is preparing to launch an electronic platform for trading convertible bonds, which could help to improve the quality of data currently available in the over-the-counter convertible…
Wiener Börse Prepares to Inject Gas into ADH
Austrian exchange Wiener Börse will this week begin distributing real-time energy data from new commodities exchange the CEGH Gas Exchange, a joint venture between Wiener Börse and energy companies Gazprom, OMV Gas & Power and Centrex.
IPC to Offer BST Data Cost Admin Tools
Trading turret and network service provider IPC and Swiss market data cost management software vendor BST have struck a deal for IPC to resell BST's FinOffice and FinTelecom data and telecom expense administration software globally, officials tell Inside…
YouDevise Launches Low-Latency TIM Feed
UK-based YouDevise, a provider of trade idea distribution software, has created a low-latency XML feed of trade ideas from its Trade Idea Monitor system for firms that integrate these inputs into algorithmic trading systems.
News in numbers
Clearing and Present Danger