Data Management
Internal Client Requirements Remain Top Driver of EDM Programs, Say Speakers
Increased pressure from regulators has not radically changed the focus of data management programs. The primary driver remains meeting internal client requirements, said panelists at the Headstrong and EDM Council event in London yesterday
Video: GoldenSource's Nassar Ahmad on Ref Data Programs in Asia-Pac
Firms in Asia-Pac typically take a holistic view to data management, and want to manage a range of different data types on the same system, according to a panel at the Asia Pacific Financial Information Conference in Hong Kong last week.
Panel: Asia-Pac Users Take Holistic Approach to Ref Data
Reference data requirements in Asia-Pacific are impacted by the fact that firms tend to have a broader view of data in the region, and prefer to manage more data types on one platform, said speakers at the Asia Pacific Financial Information Conference
S&P Expands Asia-Pac Bond Coverage for Ref Data Platform
Standard & Poor’s is building out its Asia-Pacific bonds data coverage, which will improve the reference data platform and create a foundation for expanding the company's evaluated pricing services