Data Management
Orange Partners Nice for Voice Recording
Orange Business Services - Trading Solutions, a provider of voice and electronic trading infrastructure, has partnered with Israel-based voice recording vendor Nice Systems to launch a new recording system.
Regulation Drives 25% Increase In Avox Entity Validation
The counterparty data vendor says the number of entities it has validated in the past 12 months has increased by a quarter to 1,053,085, as firms seek to comply with new data-intensive regulatory initiatives
ECB Taps Thomson Reuters' Eikon for Central Bank Network
The European Central Bank (ECB) has signed a three-year deal with Thomson Reuters to deploy its Eikon financial markets desktop across 18 national central banks.
Luz, SIX Prepare Data Linkage Launch
SIX Financial Information will supply US, Latin American and European data to Luz Engenharia Financeira, a Brazilian compliance and risk management service provider. SIX will obtain Brazilian data in return under the partnership, to begin operating March…
Benchmark Boom Pushes Data Managers To New Approaches
The increasing volume of index and benchmark data coming from more sources is inciting firms to find new ways of managing the data, according to a survey of end-users conducted by Rimes Technologies