Joanne Faulkner
Joanne is Inside Market Data’s European reporter. She covers the real-time market data industry and the business management of financial information. Prior to joining IMD, she covered venture capital M&A and fundraising for a B2B trade magazine.
Joanne lives in North London and enjoys Leicester City Football Club, musical festivals and gin. Follow her on twitter here.
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Articles by Joanne Faulkner
Scrambled ESGs: Growth Prompts Calls for ESG Standards
Joanne Faulkner investigates changing attitudes towards ESG investments, and the resulting growth in demand for ESG data.
Bloomberg Updates on BRAIS Index ‘Evolution,’ Preps Customizable Indexes
Since buying the BRAIS index and analytics suite from Barclays last year, Bloomberg has been hard at work creating an integrated platform for data, analytics and indexes, while developing plans for expanding the indexes. Joanne Faulkner reports on the…
‘Smart Data,’ Regulation Drive Buy-Side Content Needs, But Cost Is Main Concern
The need for “smart data” and new analytical tools that deliver trading advantages where other sources of alpha have dried up, along with the reporting and storage requirements of new regulations are placing increased demands on firms’ need to handle…
State Street, TruValue Ally for ESG Data Standards
State Street and TruValue Labs have announced an agreement to promote the adoption of industry-standard ESG data.
Liquidnet Acquires OTAS for Best Execution Analytics
OTAS analytics will be folded into Liquidnet’s VHT platform to “deliver market context directly to the trader at the point of execution.”
Metamako, MayStreet Ally for High-Precision Analytics
Firms can now run MayStreet’s data analytics software on Metamako’s MetaWatch data capture and network monitoring software tool.
Deutsche Börse Revamps Content Lab to Harness Internal Datasets, Plans FX Feed
The unit's new remit is to leverage content already being captured and stored internally by the exchange.
NovaSparks Adds SIP FPGA Handler
NovaSparks has added support for Nasdaq's two Securities Information Processor feeds.
UPDATE: Moody’s Buys Company Data Vendor BvD for €3 Billion
Bureau van Dijk’s platform will be integrated into Moody’s Analytics’ suite of risk management solutions.
After ECC, EEX Clearing Rollout, KB Tech Eyes Data Deals
KB Tech's initial deal with ECC covers post-trade and clearing-related data, though, this may expand to other areas in future.
NEX Launches EBS JPY Benchmark Index
Benchmark will provide price information for the dollar-yen rate during Japanese trading hours.
BME Grows Real-Time Index Offering
The new index series will be calculated and disseminated in real time from June 1.
ICE Partners with NPL for Atomic Timestamping
Intercontinental Exchange has linked up with UK's National Physical Laboratory to ensure co-location customers at its Basildon datacenter, home to its European derivatives exchange, meet MiFID II timestamping requirements.
Rival Systems Taps QuantHouse for Ultra-Low Latency Market Data Feed
Rival Systems has integrated QuantFEED into its Rival Trader and Rival API platforms as it looks to expand into equities.
Ex-Thomson Reuters Bauman Joins TIM Group Sales Team
The trade ideas provider has added Jeff Bauman to its New York sales team.
Bats Bows US ETF Feed
Bats has launched a dedicated feed for US-listed ETFs which provides data on individual funds as the exchange looks to strengthen its ETF offerings.
German Data Vendor VWD Promotes Ramabadran to CEO
Before joining VWD as in 2015, Ramabadran held various positions at BlackRock, Prudential and Tudor Investment Corp
Infront, Symphony Strengthen Ties with App Access
Symphony users can now access the Infront Analytics app free of charge
Wind of Change Disperses Cloud Data Doubts
Banks are warming to the benefits of cloud computing for market and enterprise data storage and resource-intensive calculation and testing requirements. But, as Joanne Faulkner discovers, there are still challenges that must be overcome before cloud can…
Trax Gets FCA ARM Nod, Awaits Test Details
MarketAxess’ Trax unit has received FCA approval to test transaction reporting capabilities under MiFID II, but is waiting for details of what the tests will involve.
SIX Launches Tax Compliance Data Service for CRS/AEoI
Officials say SIX's solution will ease firms' compliance burden and provide a single source of audit-ready tax data.
Dow Jones’ ‘DNA’ Test
The platform will provide analysts and developers with more flexible access to Dow Jones content, officials say.
SGX Debuts Smart Beta Index
The new index will appeal to investors seeking alternative index strategies, SGX officials say.
State Street: Industry More Open to ESG Factors, But Challenges Remain
State Street research indicates that lack of transparent, standardized and quality data is the biggest obstacle to broad integration of ESG factors. Joanne Faulkner analyses the results.