James Rundle
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Articles by James Rundle
Buy-Side Technology Awards 2013: Tim Martin, SmartStream
Tim Martin, product manager at SmartStream Technologies, talks to Waters at the 2013 Buy-Side Technology Awards in London.
Buy-Side Technology Awards 2013: Andrew Knowles, Rimes
Andrew Knowles, head of compliance services at Rimes Technologies, talks to Waters at the 2013 Buy-Side Technology Awards in London.
Nations and Exchanges
I'm in New York this week, and I can honestly say that I haven't been anywhere that's more beautiful in the autumn. Granted, Long Island and beautiful aren't two words that necessarily go hand in hand for most people, but the colors on display really are…
Singapore Exchange Selects MillenniumIT for Post-Trade Tech
MillenniumIT, the technology vendor arm of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), has announced that it will provide the post-trade technology backbone for Singapore Exchange (SGX).
Chilton Announces Surprise Departure from CFTC
Bart Chilton, one of the most senior figures in the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), has announced that he will leave the regulator at the end of his term as commissioner.
CFTC Gives CME SEF Approval
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has issued a notice of temporary registration to operate as a swap execution facility (SEF) to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).
Does Speed Still Sell?
It’s been a very buy-side focused week, here at Sell-Side Technology. On Friday, we had the seventh annual Buy-Side Technology Awards, and around that, of course, all of the organizational and editorial work it entails. Thanks have to go to everyone…
Analytics Poised to Lead Future Financial Services Change
While analytics tools are pervasive in retail financial services, their growth in capital markets is being driven by a number of factors. With a range technologies now at the disposal of both buy-side and sell-side firms, how will their use evolve? This…
Buy-Side Data Governance Requires a Cultural Change
At a recent Rimes Technologies roundtable, hosted by Waters, senior representatives from the buy side debated the issue of data governance within asset management firms. The problem with implementing effective governance, they said, may be cultural…
James Rundle: Patterns of Behavior
While technology has allowed for ever more intelligent market manipulation over recent years, James argues that the intelligent application of emerging methodologies also provides the sell side with the means to effectively and comprehensively beat the…
BI-SAM Adds Frongello for Client Training
BI-SAM has announced that Andrew Frongello has joined the firm as its director of learning and development, focusing on client training programs run by the vendor.
Misys Appoints Häring as CMO
Global technology vendor Misys has announced the appointment of Martin Häring to the position of chief marketing officer (CMO).
BT Hires MarketPrizm CEO
Tanuja Randery, CEO at MarketPrizm, has left the Colt subsidiary to take up the post of president, strategy and marketing, at BT Global Services.
Battlefield Surgery, Meet Corporate Triage
The departure of the top two at NYSE Technologies doesn’t bode well.
Oslo Børs Readies T+2 for 2014
Oslo Børs VPS has announced that it will move settlement to a T+2 basis, or two days after trade, in line with regulation and investor requests, effective from October 6, 2014.
Petercam Selects Orfival for Performance
Brussels-headquartered asset manager Petercam has selected Orfival's GPMS product for its performance measurement and client reporting functions.
Pulling Weeds: Sell Side Confronts Technology Stack Upgrades
Despite the current era in the capital markets as one of tight budgets, firms across the sell side are waking up to the fact that radical changes are needed to their technology stacks. From banks, to brokers and exchanges, questions remain around how…
Deutsche Börse Acquires GMEX Group Stake
Deutsche Börse has acquired a minority stake in Global Markets Exchange (GMEX) Group International, both parties announced today.
Data Governance Challenges on the Buy Side
Steve Cheng, Rimes Technologies, talks to Waters at the Rimes Data Governance Conference in London, about data governance on the buy side.
Beneath London, Data Flows Through the City’s Sewers
There’s a lot to be said for London’s sewer system. Calling it a marvel of engineering isn’t hyperbole—the 150-year-old construction is still going strong, and current estimates, given levels of wear and tear, suggest that it could last for at least…
Nice Actimize Launches Benchmark Monitoring Product
Nice Actimize has announced the debut of its Actimize Benchmark Monitoring Solution, designed to aid in the surveillance and monitoring of processes related to rate submissions such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor).
UK Competition Body Clears EuroCCP, EMCF Merger
The UK Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has given a green light to the proposed merger between EuroCCP and EMCF, allowing the two firms to proceed to the next stage in their combination.
Measuring Butterfly Effects
People have a startling inclination to want to be involved with historical events as they happen. How many music fans, for instance, wouldn’t give their right arm to have been at the original Woodstock? Who wouldn’t have wanted to be at the original…
ITG Inks TwoFour Deal
Agency broker ITG has licensed TwoFour FX to help manage its foreign exchange (FX) operations.