Waters Premium

Layer Cake: The Rise of Platform-as-a-Service

Cloud is the catch-all term encompassing a number of different components. Of those, software-as-a-service is the most prominent, although platform-as-a-service now offers similar, predominantly hardware-focused benefits to the financial services…

Vendor Relationships: What Lies Beneath

Consensus among buy-side firms is that there can sometimes be a world of difference between expectations and reality when dealing with a vendor. Steve Dew-Jones canvasses opinion on the most important considerations before awarding a technology or…

When It Comes to Mobile, All Devices Welcome

Phones and tablets aren’t just for Angry Birds. Mobile devices have allowed financial professionals to operate on a 24/7 basis, and be less attached to the office. Jake Thomases explores whether they should be allowed to embed work functionality into…

TCA: Comparing Apples to Apples

As transaction-cost analysis continues to evolve, both the buy and sell sides are using it not only to determine performance levels, but in all areas of the trade lifecycle. Given these developments, what are the key considerations for an effective TCA…

Open Platform: Heading for the Cloud

The cloud has been around for sufficient time for its presence to have permeated every technology-reliant industry vertical. But as Hani Suleiman explains, the financial services industry is way behind the curve in terms of its adoption and must get its…

Open Platform: Cloud Is the New Normal

The rise in popularity of the cloud—especially across the buy side where asset managers are looking to do more with less, while simultaneously shrinking their technology spending—has been nothing short of astronomic. A recent TowerGroup forecast predicts…

AllianceBernstein Tames the Onboarding Beast

AllianceBernstein was struggling with its manually intensive onboarding process. It turned to Markit to answer the challenge. The result: Markit Document Exchange, which, as Anthony Malakian discovers, has proven to be something of a rarity in the…

Short Circuit: Does Flash Crash II Still Loom?

Two years after the Flash Crash, an event of similar proportions has yet to occur, despite doomsday prophecies to the contrary. Have measures such as circuit-breakers helped to safeguard the stability of modern capital markets, and more importantly, have…

Michael Shashoua: Stability Board See-Saw

The ISO standards organization, at the behest of the Financial Stability Board, removed Swift as the registration authority for the legal entity identifier. Michael thinks the industry may be left wondering what the board intends to do in setting a…

Anthony Malakian: Hope in One Hand ...

Even as the first wave of requirements for Form PF rules approach, Anthony wonders if it makes any sense for buy-side firms to throw money at solving regulatory demands in an election year when so many rules have already been delayed or scrapped.

Max Bowie: Speed Is Nothing Without Control

With the Sifma technology show upon us, vendors are showcasing their wares—often with a focus on speed and throughput. But in a regulatory environment placing greater emphasis on risk checks and compliance, firms are also expecting these solutions to…

Jake Thomases: Blissfully Ignorant

At a meeting of the Secret Science Club, Jake stumbled across one very smart man who celebrates when he doesn’t have the answers. Wall Street, on the other hand, is full of very smart people who get paid for nothing but answers. Academia never seemed so…

South Africa: Bigger, Better, Faster?

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange is moving its trading engine from London to South Africa in July, with the aim of increasing its matching speeds, and by so doing, enhancing the overall trading experience it provides its clients. Steve Dew-Jones talks to…

Big Data: Right Here, Right Now

Much has already been published in Waters and sibling publications Inside Market Data and Inside Reference Data, about Big Data and the challenges it presents financial services end-users and technologists. And while these challenges should not be…

Cloud Computing: Defying Definition

Cloud-based services, depending on one’s definition of the cloud, have been knocking around the financial services industry for more than a decade. And, given the maturity and pervasiveness of certain cloud platforms, large numbers of users are utilizing…