Trading technologies

Updata, Trading Technologies Ally for Chart-Trading

Derivatives traders can now execute orders directly from charts and strategy back-testing tools within UK-based technical analysis software vendor Updata’s Professional analytics suite, using routing technology from Chicago-based trading software…

The Rise and Rise of HTML5

Thanks to enhanced browser functionality and an explosion of open-source tools, HTML5 is supplanting Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash as the go-to language for trading application development and mobile functionality. While roadblocks still exist,…

License to Kill: The Complexity of Circuit Breakers

As regulators collaborate to review different concepts to protect the integrity of the US financial markets and reduce potential technology failures, Marina Daras looks at the technical challenges of implementing circuit breakers for brokers and…

Markham to Head Updata's Houston Office

UK-based technical analysis software vendor Updata has named William Markham senior vice president of business development at of the vendor's new office in Houston, Texas, which is due to open in early 2014 to meet the needs of a growing customer base in…

TT Unveils MultiBroker Platform

Trading Technologies has launched MultiBroker, the Chicago-based vendor's trading solution that allows buy-side firms to gain direct market access (DMA) via multiple brokers from a single X_Trader Pro or application programming interface (API) connection…

Trading Technologies Links to GovEx

Trading Technologies (TT) says it will connect with GovEx, a flexible execution platform for US Treasuries and part of State Street's eExchange offering, in the first half of this year.

TT Fills Top Buy-Side Need with Multibroker Solution

For five years, Chicago-based derivatives software vendor Trading Technologies (TT), attempted to adapt its X_Trader derivatives trading platform to incorporate multiple brokers, without success. The technology proved too complicated. Not long ago it…