Eurex Exchange

Deutsche Börse Opens Data-Trading Simulation Cloud

Deutsche Börse's Market Data and Services division has unveiled a cloud-based market simulation environment for trading firms to develop and test applications designed to work with its Eurex derivatives market's T7 trading architecture-which is designed…

Eurex Halts Trading on Tech Glitch

The largest European derivatives market stopped trading in multiple index-based futures this morning at 8:15 am, with a subsequent delay of about 65 minutes as it investigated an unspecified technical malfunction.

HFT's Delicate Balance

During a recent high-frequency trading webcast, industry leaders discussed the difficulties around creating an effective HFT environment, how to manage those costs, and how the market is evolving. It’s a delicate balance, but a necessary one for any…

High-Frequency Trading Webcast

Waters gathered leading industry experts for a webcast on October 11, 2012 to discuss what technological and operational initiatives firms are employing in their high-frequency trading strategies