
Front-Office Influence Wanes in Modern Buy-Side Firms

A hard-and-fast rule in buy-side firms used to be that the trader’s word was God, at least for middle- and back-office teams who often had to scramble to implement their requests at short notice. Given the increased focus on cost savings and efficiency,…

Cost Control Beneficial to Big Bank IT Departments

Panelists at the Asia-Pacific Trading Architecture Summit, held last week in Singapore, debated the current business climate when it comes to infrastructure management, saying that although budgets are tighter, this is introducing a needed element of…

The Pitfalls of Social Media

If the Mark Zuckerberg movie taught us anything, it's that there's plenty of drama in social networking. Usage of these tools is sky high in our personal lives. That shouldn't automatically carry over to our business lives.

Schroders Taps Vermilion for Client Reporting

Schroders, a global asset management firm with more than £200 billion ($325 billion) under management, is set to implement Vermilion Software's multilingual client reporting platform, Vermilion Reporting Suite (VRS).