KYC: Know Your Choices

Know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, hardly a bank’s most value-added function, have become a popular topic among operations, compliance, and reference data professionals, with a growing consensus that KYC checks can be done cheaper and more…

Quest For Data Quality

Pursuing data quality requires consideration of big data, data tools and resources, error correction and getting various interests to work together. Recent Inside Reference Data stories explore all these factors.

Facing Up to the New Regulatory World

The BCBS 239 risk data aggregation principles, CCAR and FDSF stress tests, and COREP and FINREP reporting frameworks are some of the most significant new measures developed by regulators and are having a major impact on data management, writes Nicholas…

Squeeze on Cost Changes Technology’s Role

While the pressures of cuts and budget reductions affect all areas of a firm, the technology function is experiencing a change in how it operates and the level of importance it’s given as a direct result. That was the message from panelists at the Asia…

Trade Identifier Tangle

Unique trade identifiers have quickly emerged as the most complicated element of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation’s trade reporting requirements, which came into effect on February 12. Nicholas Hamilton finds out why using the new identifier…