Nasdaq OMX

Malfunction! Malfunction!

It’s not been a great week for capital markets technology. For the past seven days, I’ve had the image of Robby the Robot in my head, being told by Doctor Mobius to go against his basic programming, and building up to a short circuit as a result. This,…

Nasdaq Preps US Feed Changes

Exchange group Nasdaq OMX is launching new feeds for its equities, futures, BX and PSX markets, in a effort to replace legacy technology with higher performance alternatives.

Bahrain Bourse Upgrades to X-stream

The Bahrain Bourse (BHB) will replace its existing Nasdaq OMX platform, Horizon, with one powered by X-stream technology. Additionally, BHB has reconfirmed its commitment to NASDAQ OMX's post-trade solution. The upgrade is estimated to be rolled out by…