Lloyds Banking Group

Powering Up Your Data Assets

The regulatory impetus to collect more data from a greater number of sources could produce new business insights, but that will require firms to rethink their approaches to data management and automation. Joanna Wright reports from Sibos 2016

Managing European Reporting

As the implementation of EMIR continues, financial firms must analyze their ability to comply with valuation and collateral reporting requirements coming into effect in August, writes Nicholas Hamilton

Trade Identifier Tangle

Unique trade identifiers have quickly emerged as the most complicated element of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation’s trade reporting requirements, which came into effect on February 12. Nicholas Hamilton finds out why using the new identifier…

Entities and Data at Fatca's Crossroads

Heading into 2014, registration systems for compliance with the US foreign accounts tax law are ramping up, and the specifics of how Fatca will govern are starting to be filled in. Michael Shashoua surveys the remaining knowns and unknowns

Fatca Fault Lines

The financial services industry is asking for more specificity from US Fatca foreign tax collection rules, even as some in the industry say they're not moving quickly enough to meet mandated deadlines