Data analytics dominate M&A agenda for exchanges in 2022
While there weren’t many headline-grabbing acquisitions in 2022, the year contained a handful of deals that point to expanding trends in the exchange technology industry.
SFDR pushes fund administrators to rethink ESG offerings
Some fund admins prefer to build ESG products in-house, while others, notably Northern Trust, consider it ‘inefficient’ from a cost and time perspective.
Sell side pushing for bilateral connectivity for fixed income
Fixed-income liquidity providers, battling tighter margins, want to execute directly with clients, but are buy-side and tech firms willing to absorb the connectivity costs?
Machines can read, but do they understand?
A novel NLP application built on a Google transformer model can help predict ratings transitions
Beyond ratings: Vendors look to fill ESG data gaps
Start-ups and non-traditional data providers are exploiting niches where investment professionals can't rely on ratings.
LME overhauls tech, data stack amid calls for trading floor closure
The London-based commodities exchange has embarked on an ambitious technology and data infrastructure modernization strategy as it takes steps to close its open-outcry floor.
Supporting critical business processes during the Covid-19 pandemic—Can managed services provide the answer?
With the pandemic normalizing remote working, lifestyles are changing—and so is the digital landscape. It is now crucial for employees to access technology regardless of where they are. Moreover, many organizations are reviewing frameworks and offloading…
BoE's Post-Trade Reform Efforts Will Need Full Industry Cooperation
The central bank's report on the future of post trade will face the same competitive interests that have hindered previous attempts at eliminating inefficiencies and bringing automation to the back office.
UBS’s COO: 'Hybrid Pods' Accelerate Remote Working Solutions Amid Pandemic
Beatriz Martin says the bank has about 400 of these agile development teams—which were first rolled out last year—consisting of about 2,500 people across the organization.
Goldman Sachs Revamps Virtualization Infrastructure
The investment bank is leveraging Red Hat's OpenShift technology to better manage its global footprint of virtual machines.
UBS Cuts Outsourced Tech Jobs
The investment bank has eliminated thousands of roles and revamped its approach to outsourcing over the last two years.
AI’s Next Phase – Thriving Through Implementation
Many in financial services are trialing artificial intelligence (AI) applications, with projects increasingly sophisticated in methodology and ambition. WatersTechnology, in partnership with SmartStream, recently convened a Chatham House-style discussion…
Man Group's Numeric Leans on Python for New Research Platform
Man Group's Gary Collier discusses the hedge fund's strategy of adopting a single platform for its funds.
Outsourcing Takes to the Front Office
Fee compression and regulations have forced some asset managers to rethink what is core to their business, including the trading desk. Enter the outsourced trading desk.
Hermes Ramps Up Cloud DevOps Strategy
Shift to Azure has dramatically increased investment manager's ability to push new code, engineers say.
Vendors Prep for Initial Margin Big Bang
Tech providers are emerging from all corners as the final phases of initial margin rules closes in, which are expected to capture over 1,000 buy-side and sell-side firms over the next 18 months.
Trading Technologies Debuts Infrastructure-as-a-Service Offering
Vendor embarks on new strategy with Graystone Asset Management as its first client on the platform.
The Problem Solver: Paul Bari, Nordea
Paul Bari’s career has taken him across oceans and continents, but his true north has always been a fascination with mathematics. Now, he’s tackling not only the future of one of Northern Europe’s largest banks, but its employees, too
Deep Learning: The Evolution is Here
Advancements in AI have led to new ways for firms to generate alpha and better serve clients. The next great evolution in the space could come in the form of deep learning. WatersTechnology speaks with data scientists at banks, asset managers and vendors…
Independence Day: Separation Brings Value for Fintech Spinoffs
Financial firms with a data or technology ‘vendor’ arm developed in house are finding that separation can benefit both business lines. Max Bowie speaks to companies that have spun out from other organizations about the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects…
Emerging Markets Exchanges Embrace New Tech
While economic measures might place markets in Kenya, Tanzania, Palestine and elsewhere firmly in the “emerging” bracket, their use of technology is anything but.