DDoS attack
Financial institutions battle cyber threat info overload
Cyber threat intelligence is crucial for the defense of an organization’s network, but financial firms have to figure out how to make sense of all the data first.
Solarflare Preps ‘Lockdown' Data Protection Tool for Trading Servers
Hardware-acceleration and data network technology provider Solarflare will later this year introduce a server security product designed to protect servers used to support trading platforms from malicious intrusions designed to access or steal data, to…
Beyond DDoS: Advanced Persistent Threats Linger After al-Qassam
After recent cyber attacks on US financial firms, the conversation has focused on distributed denial of service (DDoS) strikes. But firms need to acknowledge that DDoS is simply a means; the ends suggest something more complicated.
FX Broker Suffers DDoS Attack, Hong Kong Partner Turns to Prolexic
The most serious DDoS attacks are down, but that may be temporary. Global eSolutions can attest to the fact that they haven't gone away.