WatersTechnology has been focusing on market and reference data issues across the capital markets for over 30 years, covering topics such as data management and governance, analytics, regulation and data quality. Combining news, events, awards, research and thought-leadership, this site should be a resource hub to help educate the market on these areas.
A fireside chat with SmartStream’s Akber Jaffer
A fireside chat with SmartStream’s chief executive to discuss his first 15 months at the helm of the business and SmartStream Air 9.0—the firm’s new AI-driven reconciliations platform.
Case study: Data monetization—NeoXam DataHub
MFEX by Euroclear is a B2B fund distribution platform, with more than 2,000 fund distributors and 2,500 fund management companies using the platform
Case study: Data distribution—NeoXam DataHub
NeoXam DataHub automates the data management process, allowing data to be easily integrated and distributed, and allocation across the organization efficient and flexible.
Optimizing performance and risk calculations: The critical role of data quality
While robust calculation methods are vital, the foundation of accurate, scalable and auditable data is essential.
Ultra-low latency trading: How low can you go?
AMD discusses the technological advances that are taking high-frequency trading to new lows—known as ultra-low latency trading.
Direct feeds: Life in the fast lane
Financial services firms are consuming more data than ever to drive a number of front- and middle-office use-cases.
Deutsche Börse democratizes data with Marketplace offering
Deutsche Börse Group is set to unveil its Marketplace, a one-stop data shop designed to simplify and streamline data acquisition and consumption for its clients, while also surfacing data from across the firm to its own users. Jan Stiebing and Sven…
Real-time and historical market data: Priorities, preferences and the cloud
This paper, commissioned by LSEG, focuses on firms’ current market data priorities, the asset classes and geographies they are looking to focus on in the near future, and the benefits they can expect by moving their historical market data storage and…
Hunting for reliable low latency, HFTs look to novel techs in 2023
WatersTechnology looks at advancements in market data latency technology and what role the cloud can play.
One day, all data will be delivered this way
It wasn’t long ago that, for large numbers of capital markets firms, the de facto data consumption model was DIY, or a do-it-yourself proposition, due to the scarcity of relevant managed data services on the market. Now, firms on both sides of the…
ASX, SGX earnings driven by diversified revenue
After the Chess disaster, ASX focuses on rebuilding confidence, while SGX continues investing in its derivatives business. Meanwhile, HKEx mulls data play.
IMD & IRD Awards 2023 winner's interview: Opensee
Opensee won the best risk data aggregation initiative in the annual IMD & IRD Awards for the second consecutive year, thanks to its Opensee Enterprise offering.
Fenics Market Data’s secret source
The ability of capital markets practitioners to make judicious business and investment decisions is directly determined by the quality of data underpinning those decisions. Fenics Market Data’s Rich Winter discusses the benefits of sourcing data from…
A Fireside Chat with FactSet's Jason Pangretic and Maurice Iragorri
Jason Pangretic and Maurice Iragorri discuss data and analytics, the critical role EMSs play across the buy side, and system integration and interoperability.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Episode 262 (Previewing Nafis)
Wei-Shen and Tony take a look at what’s to come at the North American Financial Information Summit (Nafis).
Smashing barriers: How shortwave frequencies are making trading firms faster
Improvements in shortwave radio frequencies could be a leap forward in the latency race. But given the costs and technical challenges, is it worth the investment?
LSEG’s take on decentralized finance, data catalogs and managed data services
A number of London Stock Exchange Group’s senior business leaders spoke at the annual World Financial Information Conference, held recently in Prague. Stefan Reichenbach, John Mason, Janelle Veasey, Stuart Brown and Jason West, alongside others,…
Considerations for selecting a market data-as-a-service provider: End-users weigh in
In late September, WatersTechnology and FactSet held an exclusive, off-the-record roundtable discussion focusing on how capital markets firms can make the business case for subscribing to market data-as-a-service solutions. The discussion featured…
Combined data and analytics offer users the best of both worlds
Firms on both sides of the industry have never had it better when it comes to the variety of datasets available to them, either from individual data vendors or through exchange partnerships (such as the recent Deutsche Börse-CME Group alliance). However,…
Lower cross-border latencies open HFT opportunities
Automated and high-frequency trading in Asia have generally lagged behind US and European markets. But as low-latency data availability increases, that may soon change.
Bank's corporate actions overhaul 'saves hours,' but industry still seeks elusive silver bullet
Although some market participants are trying to automate corporate actions internally, full STP is unattainable without end-to-end buy-in from all participants along the event lifecycle.