High Frequency Trading
South Africa’s equity markets court HFTs with tech upgrades
Competition for flow has driven innovation in connectivity, risk, and data provision.
Large language models: Another AI wave has come—what could it bring?
Since the release of ChatGPT, excitement and hype have been abundant across industries for this form of generative AI. For capital markets, the wave of innovation that could result may be a few years away but it’s worth paying attention to—and being…
Adaptive pushes low-latency open-source messaging
The London-based consultancy is looking to engage firms and exchanges on its Aeron messaging technology, which it acquired earlier this year.
Lower cross-border latencies open HFT opportunities
Automated and high-frequency trading in Asia have generally lagged behind US and European markets. But as low-latency data availability increases, that may soon change.
Academics use granular data for futures market predictions
Researchers at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences are using granular futures data from BMLL for research on less-covered futures markets.
SEC sets its sights on fixed-income platforms with Reg ATS revamp
US regulator’s mammoth January proposal has something in it for most US trading systems, but Jo suspects it will be the definitions of exchanges that hit the hardest.
Asia Exchanges Lag in Matching-Engine Speed
Markets in Asia lack the speed and throughput of their US counterparts.