New study reveals soaring market data spend led by trading terminals
The research finds that 2024 was a record year for overall market data spend, supported by growth in terminal use, new license schemes by index providers, and great price variation among ratings agencies.
Industry not sold on FIGI mandate for US reg reporting
Banks’ and asset managers’ tortured relationship with Cusip numbers remains tortured, as they tell regulators to keep the taxonomy in play.
American Bankers Assoc. asks SEC: Do you know what you’re doing?
The industry group disagrees severely with regulators’ interpretation of the Financial Data Transparency Act, hinting at possible legal action in a recently published comment letter.
‘Feature, not a bug’: Bloomberg makes the case for Figi
Bloomberg created the Figi identifier, but ceded all its rights to the Object Management Group 10 years ago. Here, Bloomberg’s Richard Robinson and Steve Meizanis write to dispel what they believe to be misconceptions about Figi and the FDTA.
Cutting through the hype surrounding the FDTA rulemaking process
A bill requiring US regulators and institutions to adopt a machine-readable data framework for reporting purposes applies to entity identifiers, but not security identifiers, in a crucial difference, writes Scott Preiss, SVP and global head of Cusip…
Natixis refines in-house interoperability model
The French asset manager has refined its canonical data model over the last decade, as the interoperability movement continues to evolve.
FRTB data quality issues persist amid shifting implementation dates
Banks are finding market and reference data challenges posed by the FRTB’s standardized model tricky, compounded by uncertainty over when the regulation will take effect.
Deutsche Bank works on standardized protocols for asset tokenization
The bank is looking at its role as an asset servicer to ensure the safety of tokenized assets and investor protection. It plans to have a limited prototype by November.
Big questions remain over Dora’s critical third parties
Industry looks for clarity on critical third parties ahead of July 17 regulatory technical standards for the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act.
Fighting FAIRR: Inside the bill aiming to keep AI and algos honest
The Financial Artificial Intelligence Risk Reduction Act seeks to fix a market abuse loophole by declaring that AI algorithms do not have brains.
Bulletproof building: DTCC, AWS debut app resiliency prototype
The cloud provider and industry utility have jointly released a prototype and guidelines for building resilient financial services applications.
New crypto Isins seen as ‘really important’ step for TradFi adoption
Execs at TP Icap and Societe Generale say the identifier removes a major barrier for crypto acceptance.
What firms should know ahead of the DSB’s UPI launch
Six jurisdictions have set deadlines for firms to implement the derivatives identifier, with more expected to follow.
Can FIX fix patchy exchange outage communications?
A FIX working group is hoping to standardize the way that venues communicate with the sell side when markets fail.
Derivatives Service Bureau allows alternative identifiers for OTC derivatives UPI
The numbering agency has partnered with SmartStream and ICE to cross-reference and map the underlying asset’s identifier to the relevant Isin.
The loan market has a new identifier, but the path to adoption isn’t clear
The CEI aims to bring interoperability to loan trading, but it’s entering a market dominated by a long-standing incumbent.
Gleif hopes to entice LEI laggards with new digital identifier
The vLEI has ambitions to become the backbone of digital trust.
Antitrust complaint against Cusip can go forward, SDNY judge rules
The federal judge presiding over the ongoing class-action suit against Cusip Global Services, S&P Global, FactSet, and the American Bankers Association, has dismissed all complaints against the defendants except one alleging the quartet violated Section…
SFDR: A data project that’s becoming ‘a real headache’
SFDR mandates that asset managers must start publishing ESG data in a few weeks, but sourcing the new metrics has proved challenging, and a host of questions remain.
Waters Wrap: On cybersecurity, regulators and ‘victim blaming’
In the wake of the Ion hack, regulators are pushing for firms to beef up their cyber defenses. Anthony says that they'll need to mind their words and tread carefully, as cloud, machine learning and open source take off.
Does the case against Cusip have legal merit? We’re about to find out
As the parties involved in the Cusip lawsuit wait to see whether the case will proceed to trial, Reb discusses what it might mean if the defense's claim that the case has no legal merit is true.