The world’s fastest file system for financial services

The World’s Fastest File System for Financial Services

Speed. Agility. Storage. In financial services, the need has never been greater. A new breed of applications in technical computing, analytics, and deep learning have placed unprecedented demands on financial services for storage I/O, throughput, latency, and scalability. Which makes Hitachi Content Software for File’s unique features and capabilities more important than ever to your organization.

Hitachi Content Software for File’s performance and scalability deliver high-velocity analytics that can differentiate your financial services and give you a competitive advantage. Hitachi Content Software for File gives you:

  • NVIDIA® Magnum IO GPUDirect® Storage Solves the I/O Bottleneck
  • Highest performance for algorithmic trading, portfolio analysis, and risk management
  • Security, data protection, and disaster resiliency

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SaaS and the evolution of cloud-based data management

In this white paper, we provide an overview of the evolution of cloud-based technology in the data management space; we assess the benefits of the most commonly used deployment models; we set out our own vision for the future based on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model; and we explain the journey we are on to deliver increased value for our clients, including the end business user.

SaaS and the evolution of cloud-based data management

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