Buy-Side Technology Awards 2024 winner’s interview: Tethys Technology

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Tethys Technology won the category for the best buy-side algo trading tool in the 2024 Buy-Side Technology Awards. Nitin Gambhir, CEO and head of research at Tethys, discusses his firm’s win:

  • Tethys is by no means the only provider of trading/execution algos available to the buy side. What differentiates the Tethys algo suite from other similar offerings?
  • What are buy-side firms particularly struggling with right now from a trading/execution perspective, and how is Tethys as an algo/technology provider and partner helping them to address these challenges?
  • What is on Tethys’ release radar that its users can expect in the foreseeable future? What is Tethys working on right now that will resonate with the buy side?

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