The Buy Side and the Cloud - Time to Make the Leap

The Buy Side and the Cloud - Time to Make the Leap

Key findings include: 

  • The majority of respondents (80%) are actively exploring the option of increasing their use of cloud-based services or technologies
  • Time to market (60%) and access to technologies firms couldn’t develop in-house (48%) are the two biggest benefits cited by respondents for consuming cloud-based applications and services
  • Security issues (64%) and unforeseen or hidden costs (46%) are the two primary drawbacks associated with cloud-based applications and services
  • (38%) of respondents are looking to rationalize the number of relationships they have with cloud providers, while a further (34%) are happy with the number of relationships they currently have

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SaaS and the evolution of cloud-based data management

In this white paper, we provide an overview of the evolution of cloud-based technology in the data management space; we assess the benefits of the most commonly used deployment models; we set out our own vision for the future based on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model; and we explain the journey we are on to deliver increased value for our clients, including the end business user.

SaaS and the evolution of cloud-based data management

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