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FIS execs discuss details of the firm’s BPaaS strategy

Waterstechnology caught up with Simon Roche, senior vice-president, division executive, head of Capital Markets Business Process Services, and Neil Mardon, securities business process services at FIS, to discuss the firm’s business process as-a-service (BPaaS) strategy and how FIS delivers business, technology and operational benefits to capital markets firms in the highly competitive as-a-service market.    

  • What do you see as the key business and operational benefits offered by the BPaaS model compared with the traditional lift-out or pure-play business process outsourcing model?
  • How does FIS’s BPaaS offering differentiate itself from other similar offerings on the market? What are the various ingredients in its secret sauce?
  • How has FIS established a successful service model with its clients, and how is this balanced against clients’ expectations?
  • Are you seeing any current trends with regard to the types of business processes firms are looking to “consume” as a managed service, or is pretty much everything on the table? Which business processes are firms looking to retain in-house?    

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