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A Fresh Perspective: Enhancing Transaction Cost Analysis Effectiveness


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Transaction cost analysis (TCA) is becoming an increasingly important element of compliance due to the raft of new rules currently being introduced by regulators throughout the global financial markets. While many financial firms already have TCA capabilities, there is scope to further harness TCA’s capabilities and improve returns. So how can these organizations use TCA in a more efficient and effective manner?

In October 2015, WatersTechnology and Markit conducted a global poll of financial services companies, speaking to senior management, traders, compliance professionals and a range of other individuals about existing trends and attitudes in relation to TCA. The survey aimed to explore current practices throughout the industry by finding out how and when financial firms use TCA information, examining the issues market participants experience when using this type of analysis, and asking respondents about TCA-related preparations being made by organizations in order to comply with new financial regulations. 

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