Coalition Greenwich
TMX launches ATS in US
The move represents the first expansion of the exchange group’s markets business outside of Canada.
What is Aladdin Trader? BlackRock’s fixed-income tool still a mystery
Sources tell WatersTechnology that Aladdin Trader will expand on the platform’s ‘limited’ execution functionality.
Waters Wrap: Reading the fixed-income tea leaves
A lot gets made about how much fixed income has been electronified. Anthony says that “percentage” ignores the important technological evolutions and strategic shifts being made by the vendor community.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Navigating the buy vs. build debate
Adaptive Financial Consulting’s Matt Barrett joins the podcast to discuss how firms decide to build or buy.
Waters Wrap: Market data spend and nice-to-have vs. need-to-have decisions
Cost is not the top factor driving the decision to switch data providers. Anthony looks at what’s behind the evolution of spending priorities.
Integration looms large for buy-side firms deciding on whether to buy or build
As high-speed trading systems become par for the course, asset managers turn their focus to integration capabilities, according to a new study.
Bloomberg rolls out integrated alt data for Terminal users
The initial launch includes consumer spend and foot traffic geolocation data—pre-integrated with all the other data on the Bloomberg Terminal.
Terminal velocity: MarketAxess bets on algo trading as electronification of fixed income gathers speed
MarketAxess hopes to bring fresh ideas from other asset classes with acquisition of multi-asset algorithm provider Pragma.
MarketAxess looks to proprietary data and automation with new offerings
The fixed-income trading provider’s Adaptive Auto-X automation tool and new data offerings were a bright spot amid lackluster Q2 earnings.
Automation in fixed income: Sorting the bluster from the bleeding edge
Automation is gaining traction in fixed-income markets, but use cases are limited and progress is slow. Market participants must overcome some uniquely human problems before they fully embrace the machine.
Alt data’s growing pains: Integration and aggregation challenges stall wider adoption
Demand for alternative data continues to grow among investment firms. So why are some alt data providers taking products off the market?
Lessons from credit: Could all-to-all help Treasury markets?
Regulators are looking to all-to-all trading as a possible solution for worrying volatility and deteriorating liquidity in US Treasury markets.
Startups vie with potential EU consolidated tape to fill market data needs
With a consolidated tape for European debt securities finally on the horizon, startups anticipate how they can fill inevitable gaps.
OTC Markets rescues Edgar Online, plans ‘comprehensive’ US disclosure data service
Edgar Online’s new owners discuss their plans for the financial data and filings provider, and how owning the data will be key to expanding the range of services it can offer.
Messy MBSs? Startup uses deep learning to predict mortgage-backed securities markets
As interest rates rise and house prices fall after a steady period of the opposite dynamic, investors are looking for more accurate ways to price these factors into the value of mortgage-backed securities.
Putting location in its place: Geolocation data market contractions highlight importance of cost, context
All is not well for providers of geolocation data, with some slashing staff or shutting down entirely. Those still thriving are the ones who realize it’s no longer all about “location, location, location.”
Sell side ramps up outsourced trading desk services for still-skeptical buy side
A raft of new entrants are offering outsourced trading services to buy-side firms, anticipating a wave of takeup among larger asset managers, driven by cost and coverage needs. But are they aiming too high?
2021: The year when Big Tech ‘Googled’ the financial markets and liked the results
Now that cloud has become widely adopted by financial firms, Big Tech companies are seeking to leverage their other services to become more ingrained in the workflows of the capital markets.
Post-trade in the cloud: Startup RQD aims to reimagine clearing
With the post-trade space poised for major change, startup clearing firm RQD says a new cloud-based platform will help it respond to client needs and new business opportunities.
Google-Greenwich: Financial firms agree on cloud's ubiquity, but vary widely on use cases
New research highlights predicted growth areas for cloud computing—and the tools it enables, such as AI and machine learning—in the capital markets. Spoiler alert: Google says cloud is becoming as ubiquitous as the search giant itself.
Sell side pushing for bilateral connectivity for fixed income
Fixed-income liquidity providers, battling tighter margins, want to execute directly with clients, but are buy-side and tech firms willing to absorb the connectivity costs?