Fenics Embeds Options Pricing into 360T

Richard Brunt, Fenics

Fenics ePricer provides indicative price discovery across a wide range of currency pairs, and has been configured to support the strategies and workflows within the 360T TEX platform─including one and two-legged vanilla strategies, supporting both live (without hedge) and delta-hedged requests. Prices generated by Fenics ePricer flow into 360T's TEX trading platform which can subsequently send request for quotes (RFQs) to the 360T liquidity pool.

"The partnership will introduce Fenics technology to a wider user base in client segments such as corporate treasuries, buy side institutions and smaller regional financial institutions," says Richard Brunt, managing director at Fenics.

"The inclusion of the Fenics Options pricer within our TEX service will give our clients in addition to our powerful services, access to the market-leading indicative pricing system and will encourage flows through our TEX platform," says Carlo Koelzer, CEO at 360T. "We have rolled the Fenics ePricer to a cross section of our client base and the feedback has been extremely encouraging, and we look forward to a wider rollout in the coming month."

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