Jumping ship: Concerns raised over LSEG’s 2022 Docklands datacenter move

The project comes at a time when Euronext is considering a datacenter move, and sources speculate that Six might also be another candidate to migrate. Market participants are split on the news of the LSEG migration, with some calling it “frustrating,” while others believe the current location is unfit to house the exchange’s growth plans.

Firms that co-locate inside the datacenters of some of Europe’s largest exchanges are looking at a potentially busy period of datacenter migrations ahead—whether they know it’s coming or not.

Euronext is looking to move its datacenters from Basildon, outside London, to Bergamo, Italy. In a note to shareholders, Euronext said the group will analyze the feasibility of transferring its datacenter to Italy by 2024, when its contract with the provider in Basildon expires.

Additionally, sources tell

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